AI, SEO and Google's Big Leak:

The Need for Human Creativity in the Age of AI

The recent Google leak, which caused a stir in the SEO community, turned out to be less dramatic than expected. Documents found on GitHub revealing API calls and tracking methods were nothing new for seasoned SEO professionals. The key takeaway? Good public relations (PR) remains essential.

Despite the buzz, it's business as usual for many in SEO. Marketing beyond Google is still crucial, with brand mentions proving particularly important. Online visibility can significantly boost SEO, which is a challenge for small businesses with limited budgets. Quality over quantity should be the focus in marketing efforts.

AI's role in SEO and content creation is undeniable but comes with risks. While AI can quickly generate content, it often lacks the creativity and nuance necessary for truly engaging material. Relying heavily on AI can also lead to plagiarism and misinformation. User engagement remains key, emphasizing the need for readable, engaging content.

Ultimately, quality content is paramount. Whether through human creativity or leveraging AI wisely, the goal is to engage the audience and provide value. SEO and content writing are about connecting with people, and no algorithm can replace the human touch.

Ashley Jones
Ashley Jones owns Marcom Content by Ashley, LLC ™, and she believes in having an integrated marketing approach, incorporating strategy, digital, copywriting and communications.
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